A person with headphones and glasses is holding up a book titled "Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing [EMDR] Therapy.


Hello there! I'm Anthony, and I use he/they pronouns. Some friends call me Affector, AoC, or Augustine. I’m a lifelong gaymer and an RPG streamer with a deep passion for mental health and recovery. I’m all about tabletop games, the Final Fantussy series, and immersive roleplaying.

By day, I'm a psychotherapist, and by stream, I’m a proud Warrior of Light.

In my day job, I am a licensed clinicial social worker who is certified in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing [EMDR] Therapy, operating my private practice in Upstate New York.

Right now, I'm running an actual play 5e D&D campaign called the Frog Pond Academy—a slice-of-life, mystery-solving adventure following first-year students at a magical school. Catch us live every Wednesday at 8:30 PM EST on my Twitch channel.

I'm also on a journey to play through every mainline Final Fantasy game. We started with FFI and are currently working through a Monochrome Materia challenge run of Final Fantasy VII.

Other streams you might tune into include Coworking Fridays, Final Fantasy 14, cozy games, retro RPGs, map making, and the occasional one-shot tabletop adventure.

I also host the Roll for Resilience (#R4R) podcast, where we explore the intersection of roleplaying games, healing, and personal growth.

Available Services

  • Do you have a cool product you would like featured in my content, reach out and let’s chat!

  • So far, I have raised $2,472.69 through the content that I create. The organizations that I have raised funds for include:

    Check out all the fundraising that I have done on my Tiltify.

  • I was trained in Eye Movement Desensitzation and Reprocessing [EMDR] therapy in 2017 and have been certified since 2020. I am an EMDRIA consultant-in-training.

    My full fee for clinical consultation is $150 for the 55-minute hour.

    Consultation that does not involve my expertise a licensed mental health professional is also available for a negotiable rate.

    If you’re interested in consulting with me, please fill out my contact form.

  • Hey game designers - are you looking for some feedback or a review for what you’ve created? I’m your person!

    Feel free to contact me and we can chat!

  • I am a licensed clincial social worker who is licensed to practice in New York State. I run my own private practice in the Finger Lakes region of Upstate New York.

    At this time, my practice is full and I am not available to take on any new clients. Please consult my find a therapist guide to find a therapist for you or your loved one.

    My full-fee is $150 for the 55-minute hour.

  • If you’re interested in having me make social media posts with your company’s products, let me know and we can negotiate rates.

    I am most active:

  • I stream 3x days weekly on my Twitch Channel [ttv/affectorofchange], where I currently have 1.2k followers with a 25 CCV.

    If you’re interested in having your products or games featured in my streams, please contact me and we can negotiate rates.

  • I am the host and DM an Actual Play campaign of D&D 5e on my Twitch channel on Wednesday evenings at 8:30pm EST.

    The show is called the Frog Pond Academy and we’ve been running strong with 64+ episodes of our main campaign. On the show, we also will do the occasional one shot of other indie TTRPGs.

    If you’re interested in casting me for a oneshot event, or as a regular on your actual play TTRPG show, feel free to reach out!

  • I am hungry to playtest YOUR GAME! I enjoy featuring indie TTRPGs on my livestreams on Twitch, as well as talking about them on my podcast and writing about them in my blog.

    I’m especially interested in working with LGBTQ+ and BIPOC creators, storytellers, and artists.

    If you have a game you would like to see featured in my content, please feel free to reach out and let me know what your goals are!

Stream Teams

I’m a member of three pretty awesome stream teams!

The Trepies were founded by eyesonbee, a collective of humans first and content creators second. Brought together by a common love for Final Fantasy, the main goal of the team is to be part of a happy, healthful, and supportive community. We are passionate about mental health care both online and offline, accountability and personal growth, and coming together to create earnest & uplifting spaces on Twitch.

Fruities was founded by Ghost_lyne and is a twitch stream team dedicated to uplifting LGBTQIA creators and conversation. Members of the team are driven on creating safe and inclusive spaces on twitch. We are passionate about bringing awareness and education about LGBTQIA topics.

ClubCRT, or Celebrating Retro Together is a group of broadcasters who like to share about retro gaming and culture!